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R U Ok? Day

R U Ok? Day at Caddens Corner

Have you ever had an experience where a conversation changed your perspective on a situation? Or maybe it was as simple as having a chat with a stranger that made your day, when you were feeling down? 

September 8th is R U Ok? Day! 

This is a day to raise awareness on suicide and to create a world where we’re all connected and protected by helping those around you with something as simple as a conversation. 

*Donations made over $2 are tax deductible*

Thursday 8th September

  • We are spreading awareness and cheer with lolly giveaways from 10am - 2pm

  • Get your merch to support the cause at participating retailers (tbc)

How can you help?

You don’t need to be an expert, you don’t need any qualifications, you just need to be yourself and show your support. With 4 simple steps:

Help create awareness with simple steps that could change a life.

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